“Bioestimulantes orgánicos ¿cómo pueden ayudar con el estrés hídrico?”

“Organic biostimulants: how can they help with water stress?”

The agriculture It is a basic pillar of society, since it supplies a great demand for food and a variety of raw materials. The growth of the population has led to an increase in the demand for these products, which has forced us to look for different ways of improve performance in production, reducing cultivation times and making the most of the land that ends up eroding.

The Green Revolution, implemented between the 1940s and 1970s, managed to increase the agricultural production through the use of improved seeds, fertilizers chemicals and pesticides. However, this agricultural model has led to the constant degradation of soils due to the intensive use of synthetic fertilizers, which have caused acidification of the soil, accumulating salts, causing water stress, contaminating water and crops. Although chemical fertilizers initially increased yields, in the long run they have become unsustainable due to the high costs and negative effects on the soil, in addition to the fact that this system has led to an unprecedented increase in obesity and associated diseases such as diabetes.

The Green Revolution eliminated traditional methods of ecological soil management, such as the use of green manures, permanent covers and biological pest control; being more sustainable Alternatively, the biostimulants based on beneficial microorganisms and natural substances such as proteins, amino acids, humic acids , fulvic acids and growth regulators. In addition to the methods for administering the biostimulants It is summarized in the foliar route as an irrigation additive, or inoculated into the seed at the time of sowing. These can favorably influence the plants without causing the same harmful impacts on the soil.

Image 1. Increase in the price of cilantro (image by: El Financiero, Shutterstock)

The biostimulants contain microorganisms , which promote the natural processes of plants generating multiple benefits.

  • They help plants make better use of the nutrients available in the soil.
  • They regulate the hormonal balance of the plant, stimulating its growth and development.
  • They help plants with the resistance to abiotic stress , as well as harmful conditions of humidity, temperature, salinity, pH and heavy metals in the soil .
  • They contribute to improving the agro-food characteristics of plant products.

It is important to note that the biostimulants not included plant hormones nor compounds that have direct effects on the pest and disease management , or that actively inhibit the growth of pathogens. Likewise, they should not be confused with organic mixtures that act as sources of plant nutrients .

Water shortages drive up the price of an essential ingredient in Mexico

Water scarcity in Mexico , caused by the drought and high temperatures, has caused a significant increase in the price of coriander during the first half of June. According to reports, in the state of Tabasco, A 5-kilo bunch costs between $200 and $500 pesos, reaching up to $800 pesos in some places. However, producers remain hopeful that as time goes on, Hurricane “Alberto” , the soils will retain enough water to stabilize cilantro crops.

One of the great benefits of the biostimulants It increases the plants' ability to resist the drought and optimizes the absorption of nutrients and water, even in situations of water scarcity prolonged. The droughts are a climatic phenomenon that has intensified as the effects of climate change become more evident. On the other hand, the biostimulants They are recognized for increasing various measurable parameters such as the number of fruits, weight and size, as well as their shelf life after harvest, their sugar content and the content of some important minerals in fruits and vegetables.

Short-cycle crops such as: Stevia , chard , sesame , pumpkins, cilantro, broad beans, carrots , cucumber , spinach, lettuce, radish, peas, chives and turnips. They are increasingly exposed to pathogens due to soil depletion and the decrease in disinfectant products. Use certain disinfectant products regularly and preventively. biological control helps restore balance between the beneficial microorganisms and pathogens. The use of these products helps the soil improvement of crops and reduces the need for synthetic products.

Image 2. Infographic of the benefits of the Germen Energy biostimulant in the face of the natural phenomenon of drought.

Government of Mexico: Sustainable agriculture

It was stated that Mexico must move towards a sustainable agriculture , gradually. The Agriculture agency will work actively with producers to support them in the processes of Organic certification . (Chief Director of the National Service for Health, Safety and Food Quality (SENASICA), Francisco Javier Trujillo Arriaga)

In Mexico in GISAMAC We are working to promote the sustainable agricultural production , in which the following participate: the secretariats of Agriculture , Environment and Natural Resources , Health , Job , Economy , Welfare and Education ; the National Council of Science and Technology ( CONACYT ); the SENASICA ; Mexican Food Security ( SEGALMEX ); the National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research ( INIFAP ); the National Institute of Public Health ( INSP ); the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubirán ( INN ); the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples ( INPI ); the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity ( CONABIO ); the National Institute of Social Economy ( INAES ), and the National System for the Integral Development of the Family ( DIF ).

The transition of the fertilizers to the biofertilizers and biostimulants, has been a growing global trend observed in the United States, Canada and the European Union. However, Latin America is particularly noted, with an annual growth rate of 18%. bioinputs have demonstrated effectiveness in plant and soil health with respect to pesticides chemicals and other chemical inputs.


In short, water scarcity in Mexico , caused by the drought and high temperatures, has resulted in a significant increase in cilantro prices. To mitigate the effects of drought in crops , the use of biostimulants is presented as an effective solution, improving plant resistance and optimizing nutrient and water absorption. Short-cycle crops, which are especially vulnerable, can benefit from these products for their biological control, which restores microbial balance and reduces dependence on synthetic products. Therefore, the implementation of these practices not only improves crop health and yield, but also contributes to the agricultural sustainability in contexts of water stress .

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(2020). Influence of biostimulants on the growth and yield of short-cycle crops in Manabi, Ecuador. Tropical Crops , 41 (4). http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0258-59362020000400002&lng=es&tlng=es .

SEMARNAT. (2019). Inter-secretarial collaboration to promote the production, marketing and use of bio-inputs . gob.mx . Retrieved June 27, 2024, from https://www.gob.mx/semarnat/prensa/colaboracion-intersecretarial-para-impulsar-la-produccion-comercializacion-y-uso-de-bioinsumos

The importance of biostimulants in agriculture. (n.d.) Condalab.com . Retrieved June 26, 2024, from https://www.condalab.com/blog/ndkjwend-n488

Horticultural crops. (2020). Biocontrol, Biostimulation and Bionutrition - Agrauxine by Lesaffre; Agrauxine. https://agrauxine.com/es/crops/horticultural-crops/

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