Biorremediación de Suelos: Marco Legal del Saneamiento de Sitios Contaminados en México

Soil Bioremediation: Legal Framework for the Cleanup of Contaminated Sites in Mexico


The soil bioremediation It is an ecological technique that uses living organisms to clean and restore contaminated soils. This method is essential for the cleanup of contaminated sites and helps promote a sustainable environment. This document provides an overview of the techniques, advantages, applications, responsibilities and obligations of the soil bioremediation in Mexico.

What is Soil Bioremediation and How does it work?

The soil bioremediation It is a process that uses living organisms such as plants, fungi and bacteria to eliminate, degrade or transform toxic organic compounds into less toxic or harmless products. This process involves enzymes that act as catalysts capable of modifying organic molecules, altering their structure and toxicological properties and, in some cases, completely converting these compounds into inorganic products such as water, CO2, and inorganic forms of N, P and S, as well as cellular components.

The soil bioremediation can use native or exogenous organisms and be carried out under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. This process can be carried out in situ (without excavating the contaminated material) or ex situ (excavating the material for treatment on-site or off-site). Although not all organic compounds are biodegradable, soil bioremediation has been successful in treating soils , sludge and sediments contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, explosives, chlorophenols, pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Soil Bioremediation

Soil Remediation in Mexico

The soil remediation In Mexico, soil pollution is a critical process to address environmental pollution caused by various industrial and agricultural activities. This process seeks to restore soil quality and protect human health and the environment. Identifying the causes of this pollution is crucial to implementing effective strategies for soil remediation .

One of the main causes of the soil contamination in Mexico is the Industrial activity . The lack of strict environmental regulations in the past allowed many industries to dump hazardous waste directly into the ground. Although regulations have improved, there are still sites contaminated by past activities. Industries such as chemicals, metals, petroleum, and manufacturing are the main causes of this type of pollution.

Excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture contributes significantly to the Soil contamination . These chemicals can build up in the soil and negatively affect beneficial microorganisms, as well as leach into groundwater sources. Intensive agriculture can also lead to soil salinization, a serious problem in many agricultural regions of Mexico.

The improper disposition of urban solid waste is another major cause of soil pollution. Open dumps and lack of proper waste management systems allow toxic substances, such as heavy metals and hazardous chemicals, to seep into soil and groundwater.

The oil spills and other hydrocarbons , both in extraction operations, operation, and in their transportation; are a significant cause of soil contamination. These events not only affect the soil, but also nearby bodies of water, creating a considerable environmental and economic impact ( Government of Mexico ).

The mining activities They generate large quantities of waste, much of which contains heavy metals and other hazardous pollutants. Improper disposal of this waste, as well as mine leaks, can lead to severe contamination of the surrounding soils.

The existence of clandestine dumps where industrial, domestic and hazardous waste is dumped without any control also contributes to soil contamination. These unregulated sites allow pollutants to infiltrate the soil and groundwater, creating risks to public health and the environment ( Government of Mexico ).

Soil Bioremediation Techniques

In Situ Soil Bioremediation Techniques :

  • Bioventing : Introduction of air into the soil to promote microbial activity that breaks down contaminants.
  • Biostimulation : Addition of nutrients and oxygen to accelerate the degradation of contaminants by native microorganisms.
  • Bioaugmentation : Introduction of specific microorganisms to enhance the degradation of contaminants.
  • Phytoremediation : Use of plants to absorb, accumulate and/or degrade contaminants in the soil.
  • Biosparging: It consists of injecting pressurized air or oxygen into a contaminated area to stimulate aerobic biological activity.

Ex Situ Soil Bioremediation Techniques :

  • Biopiles : Excavation of contaminated soil, which is stacked and aerated regularly to promote microbial activity.
  • Landfarming : Also known as Biolabranza, it consists of mixing contaminated soil with microorganisms, nutrients and periodically aerating it.
  • Bioreactors : Treatment of contaminated soil in controlled reactors to optimize biodegradation conditions.

Soil Remediation in Mexico
Remediation of Contaminated Soils and Aquifers

Obligation to Carry Out Soil Sanitation in Mexico

Remediation of contaminated soils is an essential activity to protect public health, preserve ecosystems, and ensure the sustainable use of natural resources in Mexico. Soil contamination can result in serious environmental and social consequences, including degradation of water quality, loss of biodiversity, and significant risks to human health. Due to the severity of these impacts, compliance with legal and regulatory provisions is crucial.

Legal Framework for Soil Remediation in Mexico

He Mexican legal framework establishes clear obligations and responsibilities for those who pollute soils , ensuring that the necessary measures are taken for the restoration and remediation of affected areas. Compliance with these regulations is not only a legal mandate, but also an ethical and social responsibility. The consequences of not complying with these regulations can be severe, including administrative sanctions, civil and criminal liabilities, and irreparable damage to corporate reputation.

Furthermore, non-compliance can lead to lengthy legal disputes, significant costs associated with late remediation and potential damages to third parties. It is therefore essential that companies and those responsible for potentially polluting activities understand and comply with all applicable laws and regulations to ensure responsible and sustainable environmental management.

The Soil remediation in Mexico It is a subject regulated by several legal provisions that establish the obligation to carry out sanitation in the event of contamination. Below are the relevant articles of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, the General Law on Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection (LGEEPA) that address this obligation.

Political Constitution of the United Mexican States

Article 4 : Establishes that "every person has the right to a healthy environment for his or her development and well-being. The State shall guarantee respect for this right." This constitutional provision implies a responsibility on the part of the State and individuals to maintain and restore a healthy environmental setting.

General Law on Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection (LGEEPA)

Article 15 : Establishes the principles of environmental policy that include the prevention and control of soil pollution.

Article 78 : Mentions the obligation of the authorities to carry out studies and monitoring to prevent and control soil contamination.

Article 134 : It indicates that the competent authorities must determine the measures necessary for the protection of the soil and promote the restoration of degraded areas.

Article 170 : Establishes that when environmental contamination is detected, the authorities may impose corrective and safety measures, such as the temporary, partial or total closure of the contaminating sources, and the execution of restoration and remediation actions at the affected site.

Article 171 : Defines the sanctions for violations of environmental regulations, which may include:

  • Fines.
  • Temporary or permanent closures.
  • The obligation to restore the contaminated site.
  • Civil and criminal liabilities for offenders.

National Water Law

Article 88 BIS : Establishes that individuals or legal entities that carry out activities that may contaminate water or soil must implement measures to prevent and control such contamination.

Article 119 : Regulates liability for the contamination of water bodies, including:

  • The obligation to repair the damage caused.
  • Administrative sanctions.
  • The implementation of corrective and remedial measures necessary to restore water and soil quality.

Mexican Official Standards (NOM)

NOM-138-SEMARNAT/SSA1-2012 : Establishes the maximum permissible limits of hydrocarbons in soils and the criteria for their remediation. This standard applies to:

  • Evaluate soil contamination by hydrocarbons.
  • Determine the levels of intervention and the necessary remedial actions.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the remediation actions implemented.

NOM-147-SEMARNAT/SSA1-2004 : Establishes the criteria for determining the remediation concentrations of soils contaminated by heavy metals such as lead, arsenic and mercury, and the actions for their restoration.

Soil Bioremediation. Ex-Situ Technique
Ecological Solutions with Authorized Techniques for Soil Remediation in Mexico

NOM-052-SEMARNAT-2005 : Classification of hazardous waste, including used lubricating oils, and establishes the procedures for their safe handling and final disposal. This standard is essential for the management of hazardous waste generated during remediation activities.

NOM-053-SEMARNAT-1993 : Procedure to perform the extraction test to determine the constituents that make a waste hazardous due to its toxicity to the environment.

NOM-001-SEMARNAT-1996 : Establishes the maximum permissible limits of contaminants in wastewater discharges into receiving bodies owned by the nation, which is relevant when remediation activities are carried out that involve the management of contaminated water.

NOM-004-SEMARNAT-2002 : Establishes the specifications and criteria for the use and treatment of sludge and biosolids generated in municipal wastewater treatment plants, also applicable to sludge generated during soil remediation.

Government Initiatives

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) has implemented the National Remediation Program for Contaminated Sites 2021-2024 , which has as its main objective to strengthen the National Inventory of Contaminated Sites. This inventory serves as a tool for decision-making and guarantees public access to information on contaminated sites ( Government of Mexico ).

The Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA) and the Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment (ASEA) They also play key roles in the inspection and management of these sites. These entities collaborate to identify, assess and remediate contaminated sites, with a focus on reducing the population's exposure to hazardous contaminants ( Government of Mexico ).

Environmental Management for Soil Remediation in Mexico

Environmental management of these wastes seeks to minimize the adverse effects of pollution, comply with environmental laws, promote sustainable development, and control the costs of storage, transportation, and treatment. This management is of concern to both the industrial and academic sectors. Incorporating oily wastes into the soil is one treatment option, but if handled incorrectly it can cause environmental problems. Oil spills and improper waste storage increase these problems, which has led to the search for technically and economically effective alternatives.

Responsibilities and Obligations

Notification and Reporting :

  • Those responsible for pollution must Immediately inform the environmental authorities (SEMARNAT, PROFEPA) about any contamination incident, specifying the type and quantity of contaminant, and the measures taken to contain the damage.

Assessment and Remediation :

  • Environmental Impact Study : Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the environmental impact caused by pollution, also known as Environmental Characterization of Contaminated Sites.
  • Remediation Plan : Design and implement a remediation plan approved by the authorities, complying with the applicable NOMs and conditions established therein.

Civil and Criminal Liability :

  • Those responsible may face civil penalties, including damages, and in serious cases, criminal penalties.
  • Conclusion and Professional Recommendation

Conclusion and Recommendation

The Soil remediation in Mexico is strictly regulated by constitutional provisions, general laws, regulations and Mexican official standards. Compliance with these regulations is essential to ensure the effective restoration of contaminated soils and the protection of the environment and public health. Legal obligations and responsibilities, from reporting incidents to implementing approved remediation plans, ensure that contaminants are managed safely and efficiently.

In this context, the choice of In situ bioremediation technologies , such as Biosparging is presented as a viable and efficient solution for the remediation of contaminated soils without the need to move existing infrastructure. Germen SA de CV , with its Biosparge System is a leading company in the application of these techniques, offering advanced and effective solutions for the biodegradation of organic contaminants.

We recommend the specialized services of Germ SA de CV for any soil and aquifer remediation project. Our experience and professionalism ensure results that comply with environmental regulations and are efficient in terms of cost and time.

We invite our readers, friends and colleagues to visit our new page to learn more about our specialized services in soil and aquifer remediation.

Germen is committed to excellence and Remediation of Contaminated Sites , providing innovative solutions for a cleaner and safer future.

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