Los Suelos: Importancia, degradación y medidas de protección

Soils: Importance, degradation and protection measures

In this article, we will discuss the current state of soils around the world, their importance, and how we can protect them to ensure the sustainability of the planet.

The importance of soils

The health of the world's soils is crucial to life on the planet. Soils are the basis for food production, biodiversity, and the regulation of the climate and water cycle. However, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), one third of the world's soils are degraded due to inappropriate management practices, pollution and climate change.

Soil performs multiple functions essential to human well-being and the environment, including:

  • Providing food: Soil is the foundation of food production. Without healthy soils, it is not possible to grow the food that feeds the world.
  • Regulating the water cycle: Soil is essential for regulating water. It serves as a temporary reservoir and filter for rainwater, helping to reduce the risk of flooding and drought.
  • Storing carbon: Soil is an important carbon sink, storing large amounts of organic and inorganic carbon. Soil degradation contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, which exacerbates climate change.
  • Maintaining biodiversity: Soil is an essential habitat for a wide variety of organisms, from microorganisms to plants and animals. The loss of healthy soils contributes to biodiversity loss.
  • Providing resources: Soil is the main source of many resources, such as minerals and building materials.

For most people, soil is "invisible" and seems far away, but everyone, everywhere, is affected by its degradation, because soil is crucial for life on Earth.

The state of the world's soils

According to a recent report, 33% of the world's soils are degraded due to inappropriate land use, overexploitation and pollution. In addition, the rate of soil degradation is higher than the rate of recovery, meaning that the situation is getting worse year after year. Soil degradation is caused by unsustainable practices in agriculture, livestock farming, mining and urbanization.

Most pollutants come from untreated urban waste and human activities.

Soil degradation has serious consequences for the environment and the economy. Declining soil quality reduces food production, increases food prices and impairs access to food, which can affect food security. Soil erosion and degradation can also contribute to biodiversity loss, increased greenhouse gas emissions and decreased water quality.

According to a study published in the scientific journal Nature, the world's soils have lost approximately 23% of their carbon-holding capacity due to degradation. This means that the world's soils contribute to greenhouse gas emissions rather than holding them. Soil degradation also reduces the soil's ability to retain water and nutrients, which negatively affects food production and ecosystem health.

How to protect soils

It is essential to take measures to protect soils and reverse their degradation. Here are some of them:

Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is a farming practice that focuses on regenerating soil and restoring ecosystems, rather than simply extracting resources from the soil. Some of the most important facts about regenerative agriculture include:

  • It uses techniques such as crop rotation, direct seeding, cover crops, reduced tillage, integrated pest and disease management, and the use of organic fertilizers to improve soil health and reduce erosion.
  • It helps to increase the biodiversity of agricultural ecosystems by providing habitats for a variety of plants and animals.
  • Improve water quality and reduce pollution by reducing the amount of fertilizers and pesticides used on crops.
  • It can be more resilient to climate change by allowing soils to help retain water, which helps mitigate drought and erosion.
  • It can be economically sustainable by reducing dependence on external inputs and allowing farmers to earn greater economic benefits by selling products at higher prices in sustainable agriculture markets.

Reducing pollution

Reducing pollution is also essential to protecting soils. Soil pollution can come from a variety of sources, including over-application of fertilizers and pesticides, improper waste disposal, and mining. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and properly disposing of toxic waste are necessary measures to reduce soil pollution.

Here are some ways you can reduce soil pollution:

  1. Control the use of pesticides and fertilizers: The use of pesticides and fertilizers on soils has had negative effects on soil quality and recovery if used excessively. Reducing their use can help prevent soil contamination.
  2. Sustainable agricultural practices: Adopting sustainable agricultural practices, such as regenerative agriculture, can help reduce soil erosion and improve soil quality. This can reduce the need for soil-polluting chemicals.
  3. Waste recycling: Improper waste disposal can contaminate soil. Reducing waste and recycling it properly can help prevent soil contamination.
  4. Monitoring and managing contaminated soils: Early identification of contaminated soils and their proper management can help prevent contamination from spreading and causing harm to human health and the environment.
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Soil Sampling and Characterization.

Sustainable Management

Sustainable management of natural resources is also important to protect soils. This means using land and resources responsibly and sustainably, avoiding overexploitation and soil degradation.

In Mexico, this is an increasingly important issue on the country's environmental agenda. Mexico has a great diversity of soils, from fertile and productive agricultural areas to arid and infertile desert areas. Proper management of these soils is essential to ensure the sustainability of agricultural production and environmental protection.

In Mexico, there are several initiatives and programs that seek to promote sustainable soil management. One of them is the National Forestry Program (PRONAFOR), which seeks to promote the conservation and restoration of forest soils, as well as the sustainable management of forest resources.

Another important program is the Soil and Water Program of the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR), which aims to improve soil quality and protect water resources in the country's forest areas. This program offers technical and financial support to forest owners and managers to implement sustainable soil management practices.

In addition, there are organizations and companies that promote sustainable soil management in Mexico, such as the Mexican Association for Conservation Agriculture (AMAC), which seeks to promote sustainable agricultural practices to reduce soil erosion and improve its quality.

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Sustainable soil management in Mexico also involves promoting sustainable agricultural practices, such as regenerative agriculture, which can help improve soil quality and reduce the need for soil-polluting chemicals. In addition, proper waste management can prevent soil contamination and protect soil quality.

Education and awareness

Finally, education and awareness-raising are essential to protecting the world's soils. It is important to raise awareness about the importance of soils and the actions they can take to protect them. It is also necessary to implement policies and regulations that promote sustainable land use practices and reduce unsustainable practices.

That is why soil education and awareness raising are essential to foster sustainable and responsible practices. In Mexico, there are educational programs and activities that seek to promote the importance of soil and its conservation. For example, the National Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research (INIFAP) conducts courses and workshops on soil management and conservation for farmers and agricultural technicians.

In addition, there are civil society organizations and groups that promote awareness about the importance of soil, such as the Mexican Center for Environmental Law (CEMDA), which works to promote policies and practices for the protection of soil and the environment.

Education and awareness-raising on the importance of soil can also involve promoting sustainable agricultural practices and implementing measures to prevent soil pollution. This can include promoting practices such as regenerative agriculture, which can help improve soil quality and reduce the need for soil-polluting chemicals.

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